
Showing posts with the label Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time 2013: When to Set Your Clocks?

In the United States where a one-hour shift occurs at 02:00 local time, in spring the clock jumps forward from the last moment of 01:59 standard time to 03:00 DST and that day has 23 hours, whereas in autumn the clock jumps backward from the last moment of 01:59 DST to 01:00 standard time, repeating that hour, and that day has 25 hours. A digital display of local time does not read 02:00 exactly at the shift to summertime, but instead jumps from 01:59:59.9 forward to 03:00:00.0. In the European Union, on the other hand, since the shift occurs at 01:00 UTC, the autumn shift happens an hour later than the spring shift, local time. Clock shifts are usually scheduled near a weekend midnight to lessen disruption to weekday schedules. A one-hour shift is customary, but Australia's Lord Howe Island uses a half-hour shift. [ 37 ] Twenty-minute and two-hour shifts have been used in the past. Coordination strategies differ when adjacent time zones shift clocks. The Eu...