
Showing posts with the label Schedule of Essential Vaccination by Age

Schedule of Essential Vaccination by Age, State of Kuwait 2021

Schedule of Essential Vaccination by Age, State of Kuwait Pregnant mother - 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid in 5 th & 7 th month of 1 st Pregnancy (0.5ml) - One dose for TT for each next pregnancy (0.5ml) - I.M in deltoid muscle 2 nd day of child birth - 1 st Dose of Hepatitis B (HBV) - I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh End of 2 nd month of age - 1 st Dose of IPV (Salk) (0.5ml) - 1 st Dose of Pentavalent (DPT Hib HBV) (0.5ml) - 1 st Dose of Pneumococcal (PCV13)(0.5ml) - I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh - I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh - I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of other thigh End of 3 rd month - BCG vaccine - Intradermal in the Upper lateral part of left arm End of 4 th month of age - 1 st Dose of OPV (type 1,2,3) - 2 nd Dose of Pentavalent - 2 nd Dose of Pneumococcal - 2 Drops Oral Sabin - I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of thigh - I.M Upper middle or mid anterior of other thigh End of 6 th month