
Miracles of sunlight !

More miracles of sunlight from irvin ! well frnds when we speak of miracles ! and i often use the word too ! its defeniton is illusive ! well let me show some light in to it ! Definitions Miracle a) an extraordinary event manifesting a supernatural work of God - Webster b) an unexplained event attributed to supernatural cause. Magic - use of means believed to have supernatural power over natural forces - Webster "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke Mystery 1. a religious truth that a man can know by revelation alone and cannot fully understand 2. something not understood - Webster well i think now u will have an idea of what a miracle is ! speaking of ours is truly natural its the miracle of sunlight and i irvin is trying to bring the best from my desk ! more of the def of miracles and miraculous photos to follow from irvin's desk ! till then ! see u !

orkut - Invitation to join from ഇ൪വിന്.....irvin explosion of anger ! logan

frndss ! now after the long break its time to see the sun play its miracles once more ! i will try to bring in the best pictures ! wait n watch !

happy valentines day !

hi ! frnd  new miracles from ur favorite star Sun on valentines day ! visit now ` regards irvin calicut

Miracles of sunlight !

frnds some more miracles by our favourite star Sun !~ & ITs valentines day ! Happy Valentines Day from me to you. So glad i sent a card to you. You know how I feel you know what i want. So when you're ready help me out. Tonight I'll be the man of your dreams. Tomorrow I'll be the man of your life. I'll take your hand I'll take your mind. I'll take you to a little place of mine. I'll see you smile I'll see you cry. But I'll never be a man who cheat or Lie's. Happy valentines day !

Miracles of sunlight !

sun always plays miracles in sky ! its his passion and irvin post those miracles 4 others to see it ! frnds now new miracles ! dont forget to leave me a comment ! tc !

new miracles on sky !

hi ! friend watch the new miracles of sunlight on my page visit now ! regards irvin !

Miracles of sunlight !

why sunsets are Red or Orange ! at sunrise and sunset, sunlight enters our atmosphere at a shallow angle and travels a long distance before reaching our eyes. During this long passage, most of the blue light is deflected away and virtually all that we see coming to us from the sun is its red and orange wavelengths. The missing blue light illuminates the skies far to our east during sunrise and to our west during sunset. When the loss of blue light is extreme enough, as it is after a volcanic eruption, so little blue light may reach your location at times that even the sky itself appears deep red. The particles in air aren't good at deflecting red wavelengths, but if that's all the light there is they will give the sky a dim, red glow. this is a more accurate definition for why at sun set sky is red or orange ! i guess thatz all irvin calicut know ! u see my limit !